Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

TRIODETIC Structures

TRIODETIC designs, manufactures & builds:.

* Architectural building Roofs, Walls & Entrances
* Ore Stockpile Enclosures and Tank Roofs
* Interior & exterior Displays & Features
* Special Applications: Waterslides, Tensile Fabric 
structures, Golf Bridges, Foundations, Towers, Solar
frames, Radar platforms etc. 

Our competitiveness arises from an innovative jointing system & advanced engineering for tubular structures that allow:

* Any structure, Shape, Span & Loading
* Optimized minimum mass design
* Durable materials & finishes (Galvanized & Stainless 
Steel, Aluminum, Composites, & Factory-applied Finishes)
* Fast Delivery & Construction in Any Location

Since the mid 1960's Triodetic has been recognized internationally for its expertise in design & construction of space-frames, domes, shell & free-form structures with all product compliant with sustainable building requirements. Triodetic is credited with numerous industry awards & many landmark projects throughout North America, Caribbean, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia & the Pacific, China, & Middle East. 

Triodetic maintains high engineering standards and talented management to consistently ensure the design, construction & service requirements of each structure & application are affordably achieved.


International Conference on Engineering, Environment, Economics, Safety and Health 2009 (CONVEEESH'09)

Manado, 26-27 Oct 2009.


Breeze Maringka & Darmawan Wisnu Utomo

In the era of energy, economizing is a principle issue to decrease global heating. High rise buildings need much energy, especially for apartments. In tropical climatic regions, heat and humidity are main problems in present thermal comfort. The easiest strategy to overcome them is installing Air Conditioning (AC); but it needs much energy and the impact is the environmental damage due to the unused gas. We Can seek various strategies for the solution to get better thermal comfort for high rise buildings; one of which is the design of shadowing for building envelops.
In general, apartments have more than one tower; therefore this research is aimed at knowing the impact of shadowing for building envelops either for building envelops themselves and also the design consequences and the consequences of shadowing upon the towers around. Facade design effects towards refrigeration load is researched by a computerized-simulation method (Ecotect software) and applied in two different apartment objects which are different in the typology of the block plan located in Surabaya city. The result is assumed that 50-70 % heat gain that causes highest refrigeration load comes from the internal gain and the shadowing design for building envelops which can cause space temperature description as big as 0.01-3°C.

Keywords : Tropical climates, Apartment building envelops, thermal performance, shadowing.

For information: CONVEEESH

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Intelligent Buildings

Intelligent buildings mean many things depending on your perspective and role. The following list is one summary of these attributes.
Process (Design, Construction, Operations), Technology (General, Networking/Telecom, Security/Life Safety,  Mechanical, Electrical).

Smart Home

Smart home System adalah sebuah sistem berbantuan komputer yang akan memberikan segala kenyamanan, keselamatan, keamanan dan penghematan energi, yang berlangsung secara otomatis dan terprogram melalui komputer, pada gedung atau rumah tinggal anda.
Dapat digunakan untuk menggendalikan hampir semua perlengkapan dan peralatan di rumah Anda, mulai dari pengaturan tata lampu hingga ke berbagai alat-alat rumah tangga, yang perintahnya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan suara, sinar merah infra, atau melalui kendali jarak jauh (remote). Penerapan sistem ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur suhu ruangan melalui termostat pada sistem pemanas atau penyejuk hawa, sehingga memberikan suasana ” adanya kehidupan ” meski sebenarnya Anda dan seisi rumah sedang tidak ada di tempat.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Silabus Mata Kuliah Hightech Architecture

Nama Matakuliah: ARSITEKTUR TEKNOLOGI TINGGI (PILIHAN II) Kode Matakuliah: AR.7315 
Jumlah SKS: 3 sks 
Prasyarat Umum:  
Prasyarat Khusus:

Memahami tentang Arsitektur Teknologi Tinggi dan perkembangannya. Menyusun konsep-konsep tentang teknologi dan teknologi tinggi dalam kaitannya dengan merancang.
Late Modern atau Structural Expressionism, Arsitektur dan Teknologi baru ; Trend dalam Arsitektur; Dampak perubahan teknologi pada bahan bangunan; Dampak perubahan teknologi pada Sistem Struktur dan Bangunan; Dampak perubahan teknologi pada Sistem Utilitas; Dampak perubahan teknologi pada Rancangan; Hubungan saling ketergantungan antara Arsitektur, Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan keberlanjutannya. 
Daftar Pustaka:
- Sebestyen, Gyula, New Architecture and Technology, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2003.  
- Gehry, Frank O, The Complete Work, The Monacelli Press, New York 1998.  
- Gehry, Frank O, Architecture + Process, The Monacelli Press, New York 1998.  
- Herzog, Lawrence, From Aztec to Hightech, John Hopkins University Press, California, 2001. 
- Danies, Colin, Hightech Architecture, Thames & Hudson, New York, 1988. 
- Wurm, Jan, Glass Structure, Birkhauser, Basel, 2007.

Handbook:  The New Architecture and Technology.

Silabus Mata Kuliah Struktur dan Konstruksi II

Kode Matakuliah: AR.3131
Jumlah SKS: 3 sks
Prasyarat Umum: AR.2130
Prasyarat Khusus: AR.1130
Kompetensi :
Pemahaman dan dapat merancang Struktur dan Konstruksi pada bangunan bertingkat sampai dengan 20 lantai beserta utilitasnya yang memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah estetika, sistem pemilihan dan detail kunstruksi-utilitas dalam ujud rancangan grafis.
Silabus :
Prinsip-prinsip sistem struktur untuk bangunan sampai dengan 20 lantai ; analisis sistem struktur dan utilitas bangunan terhadap aspek rancangan arsitektural, aspek statika dan aspek pembebanan ; sistem pemilihan dan detail konstruksi dan utilitasnya.
Daftar Pustaka :
- Cowan, Henry J Wilson, Forest, Structure System.
- Dishongh, Burl, E. Pokok-pokok Teknologi Struktur untuk Konstruksi dan Arsitektur, Erlangga, Jakarta, 2006.
- Juwana, Jimmy, S. Panduan Sistem Bangunan Tinggi, Erlangga, Jakarta, 2005.
- Makowski, ZS., Konstruksi Ruang Baja, 1988.
- Salvadory, Mario., Why Building Stand Up, 1982.
- Schodek, Daniel L. Structures. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 7 July 2000.
- Schueller, Wolfgang, Struktur Bangunan Bertingkat Tinggi, Eresco, Bandung, 1989.
- Rush, Building System Integration, hand book.